Sustainable concrete at the Afsluitdijk testing ground.

Several parties have used different types of sustainable concrete in this project. By creating scope for innovation in major projects, Rijkswaterstaat aims to test innovative technologies.

C2CA Technology, a collaboration between GBN Group and TU Delft, together with Mebin and ENCI, has produced Levvel blocks using Circu-sand, Circu-gravel and Circu-cement.,

At the Afsluitdijk testing ground we made Levvel blocks with 50 % Circu-gravel and Circu-sand. We also added circular cement to the cement mix, making a real impact in terms of sustainability.

Together we are working toward creating a circular economy! Here you can watch how we are doing that with all our partners at the Afsluitdijk testing ground.


C2CA Finalizes Seed Round


The concrete loop is closed